The Small Space
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  1. 2007.06.20 Go Golfing!!!
  2. 2007.06.14 Mp3 player!! >.<
  3. 2007.06.13 Crabing!!!
  4. 2007.06.11 Go Surfing
  5. 2007.06.08 Tiger lily's farm.

I did Golfing!!
Wow~ In Canada, the price of golfing is really cheap.
almost..9천원? 만원?. envy Canada T.T

I went to Golf field with my homestay family.
and I borrowed golf clubs.

It was very hard. Specially, I could not hit the ball exactly. >.<
But Fun!!!!~

Can I do Tigerwoods? *.* or Pang-Ya~!!!

사용자 삽입 이미지

I bought new mp3 player!!
Sony's price policy is veeery strange.
They don't like Korea.
That mp3 player's price is almost 130 dollar in Korea.
However, I can buy just 40~50 dollar in USA.
very strange?
Even if Korea and Japan are really close, the price policy is very far from Korea.

Anyways..I bought MP3. just 43 US BOXes..
Especially, my mp3 player has function of Noise cancelling.

I will test this function tomorrow's trip!


I LOVE crab.
When I live Korea(-_-...just 4 months ago..), I always find Crabs...
Crab has so many positive things.  Looks funny!!, To eat crab is kind of adventure!! (Hard skin usually protect crab meet(?) ), delicious T.T

I know that Nanaimo is famous about crabing.
Yes!! I bought crab license and tool of crabing at Wallmart. almost 50 boxes but it was not bad. I should catch a lot of Crabs!!

But... today, I could not catch anything!.. just I caught  so many small  size crabs. If I take small crabs, it's illegal....SHIT T.T

I must come back to catch crabs!!


Go Surfing!!
yes... It was my dream!!, I achieved my dream in Tofino!!

In Korea, I could not do surfing because of wave.
Korea does not have good wave for surfing.

It was really hard!!
I could stand on board on wave.
just...2~3 time? I succeeded a few times!!!
I know that my Exercise skill is always not good.

I Must go surfing again!!

Tiger lily?
It's kind of flower?
ha~ Maybe, I know that the flower.

And it is also some farm's name.
Cool~ I sure that the farm's owner is woman.

Today, I went the farm because of horse!!!
yep~ horse!!
Actually, I NEVER had taken horse. wow~

I forget my horse's name T.T
su? shu? sho?

It's really good.
At that time!! I could feel that  I have "cowboy"'s blood!!


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