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Total , yesterday , today
powered by Tatter tools, designed by kokoro studio.
  1. 2007.07.07 Butchart Garden
  2. 2007.07.01 Canadian Day!!!
  3. 2007.06.17 Rick, Return.
  4. 2007.06.15 Seattle, The first trip in USA.
  5. 2007.01.01 신년 여행.

Do u know Butchart Garden?
Have u been there?

Sometimes, I heard that Butchart Garden is most beautiful gardens all over the

Today, I went to Victoria for Butchart Garden.
Actually, Going Butchart to use public transportation was very hard.
But, we did not have any alternative methods

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The enterance of Butchart gardens.

Except the problem, everything was GREAT!!.
Especially, the whether was Fantastic to see Butchart Garden.

The garden is very big.
There are consisting of 4 areas...Sorry.. I forget the name of areas T.T
[But, Butchart Garden has Japanese Garden... Where is Korean Garden? T.T]


Anyways.. the Garden is very beautiful.
I could not count Flowers!!!

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Today, I went to Vancouver.
Actually, I had not have any plan at Canadian Day.
However, suddenly!! Robert, Jimmy, Jenia told me that go to Vancouve at midnight -_-... Really impulsive trip!!

I saw a lot of people in Vancouver.
and...I realized Nanaimo is 'Hontoni' small town...
Even though, today is Canadian Day, Nanaimo's Festival was not interesting... I know.. [.....-_-]

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Country Guys in Big city..

Today's best impressive behavior is Changing my hair color!!
Can u see??


Today's my concept was Canada!!
[But...actually, the hair spray was terrible!!, After Canadian Day, I could not remove the color at my hair...]

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Today's Best shot!!

We also went to Korean restaurant!!
[It was most important purpose in our trip!!]

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Ugly Korean T.T

Everythings were really great!!
I have arrived my home in Canada.
It is very cozy place for me.
Yep...I can feel comfortable at my home.

Today's trip was not good.
Especially, Some people waste so much time at the boarder between USA and Canada.
We also missed 3:00 B.C ferry >.<
We were waited almost 2 hour at Horsebay!!!

Right now, I'm home.
That's ok with me.



Finally, Today is D-day. Seattle day and USA day.
I went to Seattle, in USA with my friend (brother??), Jung-ho.
Yep.. It was really hard trip. We got up 5:30, took B.C ferry to Horsebay, Vancoubor from Nanaimo at 6:30, Horsebay to Downtown by bus at 8:30, Downtown to Terminal at 9:00 by skytrain....hukhuk... so many! But it was just started.

I already know that Grayhound. It's bus company..maybe Grayhound is biggest bus company all over the world. Today, I took Grayhound!! [CLAPING SOUND!!]

very long trip by bus. I acrossed USA and Canada border, slept...
Really boring and tired T.T

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But!! finally! we went premium outlet near seattle. Actually the outlet is very very~~ far from seattle. So it was very hard to go there by public transportation. We succeeded!! Every products were really chaep. Especially, CK, NIKE... >.<  This is Heaven!!

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오늘 잔뜩 지른 옷들 -_-

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just train road..

And then...
We went to Seattle.
And... We did not find youthhostel. shit T.T
First night, we slept in rundown hotel..

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Hotel.. soso? not good?


신년 여행
2007년 여행은
고민(?) 에 태백산으로 갔다왔다.

일단 사진을 보도록 하자..


정말 추웠다 -_-
체감온도 영하 30도는 되는듯한
후딱 사진 찍고 내려가고 싶은 듯한 표정들이다.


바다보다는 이제 산이 더 좋은듯해요?

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